
Our "Beau"tiful Blessing

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tomorrow's PET Scan

Well tomorrow Beau goes back to Iowa City for his PET scan.  All the appropriate staff from the U of I have contacted me and they are all set.  I had the PET nurse explain to me in child-like terms exactly what happens during the scan.  Let's see how I do at explaining......

Because Beau will be having sedation, he is not to eat or drink after midnight.  The PET nurse explained to me that she doesn't want Beau eating or drinking for another reason.  Apparently the PET scan is a metabolic test.  They want the tissue, cells, muscles etc. hungry for glucose.  Once they get Beau asleep, they will essentially inject sugar water through his IV.  Normal healthy tissue will absorb the sugar water whereas unhealthy or abnormal tissue/cells, etc. will not.  They will be watching to see what areas of the brain aren't grabbing onto the sugar.  That is my generic understanding of the test but it seems to make sense to me.  Locating this abnormal/unhealthy tissue in the brain will tell them where the seizures are originating from.  This whole process will take longer than the MRI so best of luck to the sedation team in keeping Beau out for 1 1/2 hours.  The sedation team may need a backup sedation team!

My prayer is for an uneventful morning of testing and answers to our questions.  After we get through tomorrow we'll look ahead to Friday when Beau gets tubes put back into his ears.  First things first.....

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