
Our "Beau"tiful Blessing

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Enough already....

Sitting in the pediatrics unit at the University of Iowa at Beau's bedside, exhausted.  During nap today Beau started having a seizure.  Erin, our babysitter did an amazing job.  She administered his rescue drug when the seizure hit the 3 minute mark, called me, the seizure wasn't stopping so I told her to hang up and call 9-1-1.  I called Andy and he was close to home so he beat the ambulance there and I had to drive from work.  By the time I got to the house the ambulance was gone but Erin was still there.  I felt so badly for her because she was so overwhelmed.  It was her last day for this summer and what a way to end it.  She was pale and shaking and trying to clean up the carpet because Beau had gotten sick.  I assured her she did the right thing and did great, grabbed Beau's blankie and meds and rushed to the ER.  I actually squealed the tires on my mini-van which had to be a funny thing to see.  When I arrived Beau was still seizing and after 30 minutes the seizure finally stopped.  Because he had status epilepticus, they wanted to admit him and they sent him here, to the U of I where all of his specialists are, for observation.  They transported him by ambulance and here we are.  After we arrived he had a rough evening of vomiting and after some medication for the vomiting, he is finally resting.  I'm sorry that this post a little sporadic and poorly written but I'm exhausted and sad.  You hold it together and you hold it together and you hold it together, but eventually you have to break down.  Two ER trips in one week - enough already.  I just keep reminding myself - IT COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE.  Any extra prayers are appreciated because I know He is listening. 


  1. Oh Amanda. There are no words. My heart aches for you all. I am sure you are running on pure adrenaline, and then other times the sadness is just overwhelming. I am praying. I know Beau will endure this, and overcome it...he has been given an amazing sweet spirit. We love you. We are thinking of you. We are sad and grieving with you. We also have hope and find strength knowing that God is with you in all things. Much love.

  2. Hi Amanda. Hospital stays are never fun but have comfort in the fact that little Beau is getting the care he needs. He will be back home before you know it. My son is five and has complete ACC so I am more than familiar with what you are feeling and dealing with. If I can offer you one little glimmer or light, Lucas gets stronger and healthier the older he gets. He hasn't seen a doctor or the inside of an emergency room in six months which, believe me, it's a stretch! I pray it will be the same for little Beau. Hang in there.

  3. Hi
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. Beau is an amazing courageous, strong and determined fighter. He is an inspirational hero, brave warrior and a smilen champ. HE is a special, precious, earthly angel. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and my meds cause seizures, so I kind of know what you are going through. I love it when people sign my guestbook.

  4. Thank you so much for all of your kind and loving words. Beau is a strong little man and is way tougher than I will ever be. Thank you for reading and for caring.
